thank you <3

Game made for the minijam!

Due to time constraints I didn not have time to implement the story into the game but oh well, here goes the brilliant plot:

WE WANT ISLAND.said the military

The big magical evil mask said no.

The military got spooked.

So they send you in to activate the powerpoles to connect the island to the grid in order to uhh.... oh, never mind. You just connected up the radio fuses to the military's grid and now you're blown to smithereens... atleast the mask is gone...


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(1 edit) (+1)

Really fun idea! Don't be so hard on yourself! Everyone started omewhere!

e.g. I used to not feel confident in the 3d models I made in Blender. I still have lots to improve. If you keep at it and learn more, making games will get easier!

Next time, you can re-use assets or code to make things easier. The rules say you can, (with conditions) so there's nothing wrong with that.

Also, maybe there's other game jams that give you more time, and that also allow re-using stuff.

Good luck!

Thank you for your comment, I appreciate it a lot!

Yeah developing a skill takes time and humility, which I often wonder if I have. Or not necessarily those qualities but more like the drive or the determination to have / develop those qualities. its a funky thing.

I actually enjoy these types of jams more, effective time management is an important skill to have in my opinion, and while quite a few borderline dogshit games will come out of it, its a necessary thing to do. And while addressing the shortcomings of the game / dev process at the start of the game seems like being hard on myself, which most probably isn't false by any means, I think it helps me to process and somewhat try to grow from the experience.

At the end of the day when it comes to things like this, the only thing left to do is to work, stay vigilante and have humility, things which aren't the easiest things to do. Good luck with your blender endeavors!


Thanks! Keep at it!


I can't figure out how to change my color!


never mind I'm a dumbass


interesting idea. tho being white means the game losses most challenge because there are so many white surfaces

Thanks for playing!

Yeah the gamejam deadline really bit me in the ass on the whole difficulty thing. Originally it was a lot more punishing but I figured going into the easier side couldn't hurt... which it did. However it can serve as a metaphor or something lmao